Atlanta Immigration Lawyer | Fogle Law Firm

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Coronavirus and Your Consular Case: The Ball Can Keep Rolling

As the world faces a global pandemic for the first time in over 100 years, it seems as though immigration challenges abound. Businesses are shuttered, many countries are not allowing international or domestic travel, and it seems as though these challenges are halting global immigration as a whole, for the sake of humanity. 

While it is true that many countries are not allowing international travel, that does not mean that your consular case needs to stop. In fact, there are many individuals, including clients of the Fogle Law Firm, who are using this pause in global travel to their advantage. 

The National Visa Center is the clearinghouse between USCIS (who grants petitions for immigration benefits) and the US Embassies overseas. And while the US Embassies are only issuing visas and conducting appointments for emergency matters, you can still prepare your case with the National Visa Center. Notably, the CEAC (consular application system) is still processing and reviewing the documents required to schedule immigrant visa interviews. Cases are still being placed in the queue for immigrant visa processing once the Embassies reopen, in what will hopefully be a short time. Even if we do not know when the Embassies will reopen, your case can still be processed and claim a spot as close to the front of the scheduling queue as possible. 

Additionally, those with emergency matters and sensitive cases outside of the United States should contact the experienced attorneys at the Fogle Law Firm. Recently, our Charlotte office assisted a client stuck in Guatemala to receive his visa despite coronavirus closing the US Embassy. Because his wife faces serious health issues, and is therefore a high risk individual in the face of COVID-19, our client received his visa despite the Embassy’s closure in Guatemala City.  

Allow our experienced attorneys and support staff to assist you in this critical time. While the world seems to have stopped — your immigration matter does not have to.